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Seneca Hue: D&I Education for Educators

The re-emergence of Black Lives Matter movements in 2020 not only intensified the need for Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) conversations, but broadened the stage those conversations take place. One of the most pressing areas these conversations are taking place is in the education sector.

Education has been referred to as a silver bullet in combating a vast swath of societal issues—but across the country there are inequities in the quality of education, and disparities in representation of diverse teachers who look, speak, and have life-experiences similar to their students.

In 2017, the U.S Department of Education released a document outlining different aspects and strategies for creating richer D&I initiatives in education, and how doing so overwhelmingly and positively affects students and teachers.

Greater attention and dedication to D&I means: more diverse, representative student and teacher body, increased access to academic opportunities, stronger, healthier cultures in schools, improved academic outcomes, and better long-term life outcomes.

If education is the silver bullet, it should be everyone’s right—bringing D&I into the classroom doesn’t just improve classroom experiences, it improves life experiences.

But, where do you start?

Introducing: Seneca Hue
If you’re a part of an educational institution, and are looking to provide meaningful D&I training for your staff, Seneca Hue is a good fit. It’s not only cost-effective, but easy to understand and even easier to implement.

Seneca Hue combines engaging, up-to-date content with powerful digital tools to build more inclusive behaviors—it stands out as a unique and compelling D&I solution for educators diving into topics such as: sexual orientation, race, mental wellness, gender, being a caregiver, and more.

Softway (the creator of Seneca Hue) has been around for over 18 years and is passionate about fostering greater connections between people within organizations to build resilience and opportunity. Softway’s Business to Employee (B2E) approach to D&I is a combination of humanity and technology—using tech to capture and tell relevant, passionate human stories in a meaningful and measurable way.

Ever hear of Sesame Street?
Seneca Hue is said to be the Sesame Street for D&I. This renowned program is praised for combining important and relevant topics into an engaging, fun, and educational environment for kids.

Now while it is a top-rated learning platform, it is not ideal for adults. Why? Adults don't learn the same way kids do. D&I training should be empathetic, interesting, real, and approachable. That is what Seneca Hue is all about; appealing and affecting adults in the same way Sesame does to kids, without the puppets.

Features of Seneca Hue

  • Progressive learning  

         Seneca Hue is designed to assess development and growth in D&I subjects—delivering measurable
         results to common D&I commitments and objectives that staff and faculty can take part in, 

  • It’s about learning, not compliance 

        When it comes to changing hearts and minds, a standalone training will never do. Because, truly
         inclusive behaviour is not a switch that can be flipped–it’s a process and dedication to making the
         choice to be inclusive every day.

  • A blend of empirical and personal 

        Seneca Hue is not only based on research and peer-reviewed research, but also the lived experiences of its
        facilitators and contributors. This combination of empirical and personal, creates a compelling
        platform that encourages engagement and retention.

  • D&I takes practice 

        Seneca Hue is designed with accountability features, micro-commitments, and digital reminders. This
       means that what is learned isn’t just carried over day-to-day, but builds off of one lesson to next.

Seneca Hue promotes Diversity & Inclusivity in various industries and workplace environments, but is especially perfect for education institutions . The research-based DEI learning tool magnifies vital voices that are often ignored or silenced. The approach is proven to change and challenge employee's behaviors, attitudes, and understanding of their own biases.

Seneca Hue empowers educators to create inclusive classroom environments that have magnifying effects beyond.